
Use your horizontal juicer to grind herbs

29. August 2017

Ground herbs have a wide variety of uses. You can use them for seasonings, make your own teas, infuse them in oil for salves, even make your own herbal tinctures. Here's a great time-saving way to grind your own herbs.


Most people use their juicer for just juicing. But the included homogenizing "blank" screen in the Sana EUJ 606 and 707, the Vidia SJ-002, and the Omega 8224 make them very versatile tools. Instead of straining produce through a mesh, the blank screen chews and crushes whatever is put in it. It's great not only for things like nut butter, sorbet, and pasta, but actually works very well for grinding herbs.

grinding herbs 1

We like to collect and dry our own herbs to make natural herbal teas. Some of the plants we gather and dehydrate that we use for tea include echinacea, yarrow, comfrey, chamomile, and mint. In the photo here, we are grinding yarrow into a perfect consistency for tea.

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After the tea is ground, it can be put into a teabag as shown here, or stored in a cool dry place for later use. It also works well with a tea press. So put away the mortar and pestle and grind your dry herbs fast with your horizontal juicer.

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